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Our Program

Mayurakshi Janakalyan Society

Cultural Program

Cultural Program on Indian Manishi & Historical Celebrities Our society organizes a program in celebration of memorable birthday anniversaries of world-famous great men Swami Vivekananda, Rabindranath thakur,Dr. BR.Ambedkar. Different & Cultural programs have been conducted to the backward community people on Culture and education, spiritual value, yoga practices, meditation for the concentration of mind and progress of mind towards the formation of holistic mentality and to have peaceful conational Integration and communal harmony as to avoid terrorism environment, Moreover Padayatra, Competition event on Sit & Draw and Debates, Posters Exhibition cum Mela, Cultural Functions to be shown at different suitable places within the Block area.

Child Marriage & Anti Trafficking

A survey conducted across several blocks in raising awareness against dowry is fuelling the incidence of child marriage and trafficking. The survey was conducted and found that the traffickers approach the villagers in the guise of any dowry demand and lure them into marrying off even minor girls. The girls are then sold like Bihar, UP, Mumbai, Haryana, Delhi, or other places across India, and the problem is compounded by the fact that Birbhum District lies on the vulnerable national trafficking route, Birbhum itself becoming a significant source and destination for traffickers. With the help of the Government and local police stations, society has managed to save those girls and help them to get a decent life by engaging them in different vocational training.

Health Programme Operation

HEATH PROGRAMME OPERATION SMILE (USA) Partner MAYURAKSHI JANAKALYAN SOCIETY partners with OPERATION SMILE (USA) Organization & INGA HEALTH FOUNDATION(Bengaluru) and IQ CITY NARAYANA MULTI SPECIALITY MEDICAL COLLEGE AND HOSPITAL in Durgapur for Organizing Medical campus for patients with Cleft-Lips & Cleft-Plate free Operation.

Sanaka Hospital & Medical College Partner Mayurakshi Janakalyan Society also partner with sanaka Hospital & Medical College in (Malandighi) Durgapur for organizing free medical camp in Birbhum & Murshidabad district for patient with all Pacific operation and treatment.

Charitable Dispensary

CHARITABLE DISPENSARY The Organization has encouraged the public to have their good treatment of health regularly by Establishment of Charitable Dispensary in the locality.

Awareness of Vermicompost Pit

This is worth mentioning that there are a large number of farmers belonging to ST communities who are overwhelmingly the main source of livelihood. The socio-economic condition of the ST community in our working area is very grim and widespread. They are the worst victims of all social atrocities. We have experience working in this area. ST communities people are of excellent enterprising skill and they are capital for developing income-generating activities so they can become economically self-reliant and regain their lost identity. So our organization has arranged a awarness on “Programme. ST communities’ farmers under Labpur Block. In this regard a 7 days Employment Generation Program/Training compost & biofertilizer was conducted by our ST communities’ people under our area. As a result of that all decomposing in these pits and which will make bio cultivation.

Multi Gym

A multi-gym is a home fitness system that has multiple components designed to perform a wide range of exercises. Our organization has come forward with a noble health fitness concept to unhealthy people in our project area; the people in general also got gym facilities free of cost. Without the financial support from the Department of youths & sports govt. of W/B the said project has not been fulfilled. Besides, the department has provided us with machinery equipment for gymnasium development so the unhealthy people were getting fitness training free of cost.

Water & Sanitation Survey

Water & Sanitation Survey MJS works (Water & Sanitation Survey) in more than 04-gram panchayats around the Birbhum District to improve water supplies and sanitation facilities in schools and communities, and to promote safe hygiene practices. We sponsor a wide range of activities and work with many partners, including families, communities, governments, and like-minded organizations. In emergencies, we provide urgent relief to communities and nations threatened by disrupted water supplies and disease. All MJS survey programs are designed to contribute to the Millennium Development Goal for water and sanitation; the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe water and basic sanitation.